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Pair Formation
The pair formation is obtained by twinning two insulated wires according to the requested color-coding. The twist in pair formation is more efficient for obtaining better cross-talk charasteristics having provided the inter-circuits balance accordingly. Although more voluminous cable formation is unavoidable, it is a fomation ermitting easy use and practticality in working with.
Star Quad Formation
The star quad formation is obtained by stranding four insulated wires according to the color codes. Since the star quad makes cable core gain a comparact form, it allows fitting more even numbers within the cable core. Hawever, the star quad stranding requires high tech info to achieve excellent for circuit balance it the cable and good cross-talk values.
Group Formation
The groups are formed through stranding the groups in 1o pairs, 25 pairs, or 5 star quads all together.
10 Pairs Group Formation
10 pairs of group structure are formed through stranding 10 pairs amongst themselves. To distinguish each group from another, they are wrapped with colored identification tapes (binding yarn) in accordancewith the color codes shown in
10 Pairs Star Quad Group Formation pairs of group structure are formed through stranding 5 star quad pairs amongst to distinguish each group from another, they are wrapped with color identification tapes in accordance with the color codes shown in
50 Pairs Unit and 100 Pairs Super Unit Formation pairs Units are assembled by 5x10 pairs group. And 100 pairs Units are assembled by 10x10 pairs group. To distinguish each unit from others they are wrapped with colored idendification tapes in accordance with the color codes.